sewing machine


Tired of sewing on the dining room table? Take your skills to the next level with a sewing machine table. Our handy guide is designed to help you make the best choice.

What to look for in sewing machine cabinets uk

If you’re looking for a sewing machine table in the uk, keep in mind the three S’s:

  • Storage: the number one reason most sewers look for a sewing cabinet is to stash their materials, cottons and unfinished projects
  • Stability: look for a robust sewing storage cabinet that can stand up to the speed and power of your machine
  • Surface: are you upgrading because you just don’t have enough room? Make sure your new sewing table offers the surface area you need for patterns, cutting and ironing

Sewing machine cabinets vs sewing tables

Inspired by the Great British Sewing Bee and want to take your sewing up a level? A foldable or portable sewing table uk sewers can take anywhere should fit the bill.

If you’re an experienced sewer who likes to get organised then a sewing cabinet will give your creativity a boost. Short on space? Try a foldaway sewing cabinet.

Other things to consider

  • Do you sew standing up? If so you might prefer an adjustable table
  • Colour or neutrals? Sewing tables come in a range of colours and finishes to suit your style
  • Fixed or portable? Do you prefer to sew at home or are you happy to get creative anywhere
  • Foldaway or free standing? Consider your space before you make your decision

Whether you’re looking to create a full on sewing studio or carve out a space in your living room, get in touch and we’ll help you find your perfect sewing table.