Sewing is a fun and practical hobby that can really bring out your creative side. With a good machine, some basic tools and a little experience, you can alter clothes, make useful items such as tote bags, and even design your own outfits using beautiful fabrics hand chosen by you. It can be a little daunting to begin sewing if you don’t have any experience, but here are a few key steps that will help you get started.

Buying Your First Sewing Machine

Perhaps the most obvious thing you’ll need before you start sewing is a good sewing machine. When starting a hobby, a lot of people decide to buy cheaper equipment to practice on, but it’s always better to choose something that’s right for you from the get-go. Choose a sewing machine that’s easy to use, lightweight but not made with easily breakable parts and one with multiple stitch options that you can use as you progress to more advanced projects.

Gathering Your Essential Tools

Alongside a needle, thread and a sewing machine, there are several other essential tools you’ll need before you start your first sewing project. To complete your sewing kit, you should look into acquiring the following tools: · Seam ripper · Fabric scissors · Pinking shears · A tape measure · Dryer sheets · Tailors chalk · A cutting mat · Cutting tools

Choosing the Right Fabric

Once you enter the wonderful world of sewing, you’ll need to decide which fabric would best suit your first sewing project. The first thing you should know about fabric is that it can be either woven or knitted, with knitted being the more stretchy of the two. Fabrics are also either made from synthetic, plant-based or animal-based fibres, each with its own distinctive properties and various levels of care needed. For beginners, it’s a good idea to choose a lightweight fabric that’s easy to sew and not overly expensive, such as plain cotton or linen.

Taking on Your First Project

You’ve probably already imagined wearing your own handmade clothes or snuggling up with a blanket you’ve created yourself, but how do you choose your very first sewing project if you don’t really know where to start? If you’re a little nervous or overwhelmed with all of the ideas out there, a quick search online will give you a list of easy sewing patterns for beginners.

Deciding on the Project Type

If you’re still not sure which type of project to take on, household items such as blankets or pillows are probably the easiest to sew, providing they don’t have any frills or embellishments. After taking on your first couple of projects, eventually, you’ll gain confidence in your skillset and you can begin to take on some more advanced projects.

Teaching Yourself to Sew

There’s nothing worse than having a sewing machine in front of you and not knowing how to make it work. If you’re in need of some sewing lessons before you take on your first project, there are a variety of ways to learn. Aside from asking an experienced friend or relative to give you some lessons, you’ll probably find some recommended classes for beginners in your local area. For those who don’t want to wait for the first class to start, you could also take advantage of the many classes and courses that are now available online. Are you still setting up your ideal sewing space? Come and see our new collection of sewing machine cabinets at one of our showrooms in Colchester or Salisbury.